
About Us

The Urban Mobility Portal has been developed by Peter Midgley and is managed by the Urban Mobility Collaborative, a global group of experienced urban mobility professionals. The Urban Mobility Portal is totally independent as it does not receive any funding or collaboration from any organization. The Urban Mobility Portal is not responsible for the information on the links that are provided on the Portal nor for their selection. The Urban Mobility Portal does not present any reviews or rankings of urban mobility websites or their content. The Portal nevertheless welcomes comments and suggestions on such content and may decide to share it.


Peter Midgley

Peter has supported the need to improve urban mobility throughout his career. He was a staff member of the World Bank for 25 years and worked with more than 40 countries in Africa, Europe, Latin America, South and South East Asia. He was a member of the core team that designed and put into operation the World Bank’s knowledge management strategy and is committed to knowledge sharing. 

He has researched approaches to improving urban mobility and was appointed as the Urban Mobility Theme Champion with the global Transport Knowledge Partnership (gTKP). He has provided advice to the Chinese Government, undertaken expert evaluations for the European Commission and has been instrumental in developing sustainable urban mobility Guidelines for Indonesia along with Sustainable Urban Mobility Strategies for four major metropolitan areas in Indonesia with funding from the World Bank and the Australian Government.

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