

Bulgaria is a parliamentary democracy and covers a territory of 110,994 square kilometres (42,855 sq mi) with an estimated population of 6.9 million inhabitants. After joining the EU in 2007 urban mobility has been driven by the implementation of several EU projects at municipal, regional and national level. However, the SUMP concept is still new in Bulgaria and it is not required by law. Municipalities are responsible for policy and decision-making related to spatial and urban planning.

There are 10 cities of which one (Sofia) is a metropolitan area with Urban Mobility Plans online with a total population of 2.0 million people. The cities range in size from 14,020 people (Kavarna) to 1.2 million people (Sofia). Seven plans have followed the EU SUMP Guidelines. Six plans have been supported by EU funding and the plan for Sofia has been funded by Swiss Cooperation. All plans are in Bulgarian.

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