

Cyprus is a presidential republic with a land area of 9,251 km² (3,572 square miles) and a population of 1.2 million. In 1974 Cyprus was divided de facto when the Turkish army occupied the northern third of the island. The Turkish Cypriots subsequently declared independence in 1983 as the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus but were recognised only by Turkey. The Republic of Cyprus occupies the southern two-thirds of the island. The Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus occupies the northern third,

There are three cities all of which are metropolitan areas with Urban Mobility Plans online with a total population of 0.5 million people. Two plans have been supported by EU funding. The cities range in size from 84,900 people (Larnaca) to 244,000 people (Nicosia). One plan (Limassol) has followed the EU SUMP Guidelines. The Nicosia plan is currently being updated and is following the EU SUMP Guidelines. All plans are in English and all plans have been prepared with consultant assistance.

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